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Petr Fiman FRM

ECP Governor

Petr Fiman is a 2004 ECP graduate and the first alumnus to become a member of the Board of Governors, which he joined in 2016, also serving on the Finance Committee. Petr first started volunteering for the ECP in 2012, serving until 2019 as a Director of the English College Foundation, the UK charity that founded and still supports the College. 

Petr has a BSc in Economics and an MSc in Finance from the London School of Economics and Political Science and started his professional career in 2007 at Deutsche Bank in London on a graduate scheme in Credit Risk Management. In 2010, Petr joined Bank of America Merrill Lynch where he covered hedge funds from the counterparty risk perspective, most recently as a Director in the Global Markets Risk area. In 2019, he relocated from the UK back to the Czech Republic and joined Ezpada Group, a commodities trading company. In May 2023, Petr left Ezpada Group for another position with a private investment company based in Prague.