It is very important for young people to meet, at the right time, someone who can inspire them in their lives and be a role model. In order to enable our students to meet a range of interesting people, we organise a Lecture and Talk Programme, which has become an important tradition at the ECP.
Over the years. we have invited into school many specialists in their field – to talk about their professions, projects or just to share their life stories with the students. We are proud that in recent years, former students who have fascinating careers have been amongst the speakers.
There are usually four guest speakers annually and lectures are often connected with the Theme of the Year. Each lecture is followed by a discussion and although the programme is primarily designed for students in Years 4 and 5, students from other years are also welcome to attend if they are interested in the topic. The lectures are also a good opportunity for TOK-style discussions. Students and their tutors discuss the topic before each lecture and then follow it up again after the lecture has taken place.
See the overview of the Lectures and Talk Programme.