Another Successful IB Year

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Another Successful Year for ECP Students at IB

We are pleased to report an excellent set of IB results again this year. A total of 75 ECP students sat the IB exams in May, achieving an average of 34. This is four points more than the world average of 30, out of a possible 45. Very impressively, 30% (23) of ECP students scored 38 points or more. 38 is usually the minimum entry requirement of the world’s top universities. In addition, 16% (12) achieved 40 points or more.

Maximum points

One student in particular has good reason to be very pleased with her results. Lily Huong Mac is one of those very rare students who achieved the almost impossible maximum score of 45 points. Only around 1% of students worldwide manage this very exceptional result.

At our Graduation Ceremony in Betlémská kaple, Lily won not only the Professor Helena Illnerová Prize for Biology and the Psychology Prize, but also the coveted Chairman of Governors’ Prize for Academic Achievement. In the citations for these prizes, Lily was lauded as “embodying the essence of a ‘renaissance’ student, excelling in diverse disciplines from science to art, showcasing a rare blend of talent and diligence.” She was described as “having an insightful and analytic understanding of human behaviour”. It is therefore very apt that she has chosen to study Psychological and Behavioural Sciences at the London School of Economics.

University Destinations

But as well as Lily’s place at LSE, ECP students will be starting the new academic year at many other outstanding universities. They are bound for the UK, the Netherlands and elsewhere in Europe as well as the USA and Canada. 17 will be heading off to the UK to attend top Russell group universities such as LSE, UCL and Edinburgh. 6 are embarking on courses at excellent North American institutions such as UBC. The Netherlands continues to be a popular destination, with 25 students opting to study a wide range of courses at UvA, Groningen and Leiden. Another 12 students will be attending universities in Germany, Denmark, Italy, Spain and Austria. Finally, 13 will be staying in the Czech Republic to study courses including Medicine and Law at Charles University.

We offer ECP’s Class of 24 our hearty congratulations on their results and every success in their future studies and careers.

ECP IB results