Creativity is a key element of our school philosophy and :more programme itself. The Art Department promotes a vibrant and energetic atmosphere by facilitating a variety of specialisms including Fine Art (Drawing, Painting and Printmaking), Sculpture, Fashion Design, Architecture, Digital Photography, 3D Printing and Ceramics. Our students are inspired through their exploration of a broad range of cultural references and influenced by both traditional and contemporary art forms.
The Art Department aims to promote excellence and the interior of the school serves as a permanent showcase of student work for both the school community and also for visitors to ECP. We also incorporate student artwork into our print and marketing materials, and feature outstanding pieces in the annual school calendar.
A number of our senior students are also keen to involve themselves in developing independent exhibitions as part of the Creativity and Service opportunities that are incorporated in the IB core. Additionally, the English College schedules an annual series of exhibitions that showcase the array of work created across the year groups:
Term 1: The Founder’s Day Exhibition focuses on showcasing Prize Winners and Talent Award Winners, supplemented by selected pieces from Pre IB and IB.
Term 2: The IB Art Exhibition is self-curated by students at an external, professional venue and is the final representation of work undertaken in Years 5 and 6.
Term 3: Summer Art Exhibition aims to showcase outstanding work from across the year groups.