On Thursday 4 November, the ECP celebrated its annual Founders’ Day. Pražská křižovatka was chosen for the ceremony because our Czech Founder Patron was Václav Havel, to whom the evening was dedicated. This year, we mainly celebrated Václav Havel, as his idea to re-establish an English-medium grammar school in Prague gave rise to the ECP. Our current Patrons are HRH The Prince of Wales and Karel Schwarzenberg.
The school is very fond and proud of its history. It gives us stability and also inspiration for the present life of the College. Every year we celebrate the Founders of the school, as we are grateful for their efforts and ideas. We acknowledge their mission as this is what creates our solid roots.
At this event, students in Years 2-6 received Founders’ academic prizes, subject prizes and talent awards for the previous academic year. The entire evening concluded with a musical performance by our Year 1 students.

The Schwarzenberg Scholar
During the Founders’ Day evening, our Schwarzenberg Scholar, Eileen Griffin, delivered a present on behalf of the school to our Patron, Mr Karel Schwarzenberg, who made a speech about Václav Havel at the event. Eileen is a proud holder of the Schwarzenberg Scholarship and has been a fan of Karel Schwarzenberg since early childhood, as you can see on the photo and in her mother’s letter below.

Dear Dr. Brown,
I would like to thank you, once again, for having Eileen in ECP. It has been a year since she got the scholarship, but even today I have goosebumps just thinking of the moment we found out that she got it.
Looking through my old photos, I found Eileen’s picture with the poster of Mr. Schwarzenberg when he was running for president. That year he gave us hope that change could happen. Little did I know that a few years later I would be grateful to him for giving another hope to my daughter.
Petra Griffin