Alena Švejdová, Deputy Head (Co-Curriculum)Deputy Head Co-Curriculum, Teacher of Czech & Czech Humanities
Alena Švejdová, Deputy Head (Co-Curriculum)
In our school students do not only receive a high-quality education but they also explore because experience is the best teacher. The :more programme offers many opportunities for discovery and adventure - the adventure of learning more about life and thus enjoying life more.
An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. Benjamin Franklin
Denis Keefe CMG
Doc Ing Zdeněk Tůma CSc
Deputy Chairman
Elizabeth Cooke
Deputy Chairman
Ann Lewis CMG
Founder Governor
Dr Barbara Day MBE
Founder Governor
Petr Fiman FRM
Katie Schoultz
Simon Eliot
JUDr Karel Kühnl
Viktor Kotlán
PhDr. Miroslava Kopicová
Jan Grozdanovič LLB
James Kazi
ECP Governor
Natálie Skácelová LLM
ECP Governor
Arts and PE
Modern Foreign Languages
Merve Alemdar
Teacher of Physics and Science
Jorge Alvarez
Director of Sports & Activities
Lubomir Arandjelovic
IT Operations Director
Leidy Arenas
Dr. Harprit Athwal
Head of Science; Chemistry, Science
Samuel Bale
Head of Physics
Monika Baťková
Senior Tutor - Ventus & Teacher of German
Caroline Baxter
Head of Learning Support
Anna Beard
EAL Support
Katalin Biró
Teacher of Biology & Chemistry
“Even the smallest act of caring for another person is like a drop of water - it will make ripples throughout the entire pond…” Jessy and Bryan Matteo
Glenn Bleaks
Senior Tutor - Aqua, Head of French, Teacher of TOK
Our school's proactive approach to pastoral care, ensures that every student feels supported both academically and personally.
David Brookes
Deputy Head Pastoral & Upper School, Designated Safeguarding Lead
Our school is defined by the positive, mature relationships that students and staff enjoy in actively pursuing shared academic aspirations.
Dr. Nigel Brown
PhDr. Milena Brůhová
Examinations Administrator
Veronika Bucharová
Teacher of Czech Language and Literature & Czech as a Second Language
Jiří Černý
Logistics & Building Coordinator
An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. Benjamin Franklin
Aneta Choutková
Business & Operations Manager
Working with students in tutor groups allows us to build relationships in a unique way. The soft skills that students gain through tutor time activities such as discussion, teamwork and presentation skills are central to the IB diploma and are important for future study and careers.
The study of humanity itself, through the lenses of philosophy, history, geography and the social sciences, will open your eyes to the world you live in, and lay the foundation of the world you hope to create.
Terri Collier
Head of Humanities, Head of Psychology, Head of TOK
Gary Cossins
Teacher of English
Gabriela Cuciuc
PE & Sports; Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award
Ann Daly
Head of Geography, Extended Essay Co-ordinator
To adapt the words of C.L.R.James: The study of language and literature has “ a technical foundation. To enjoy it does not require technical knowledge, but analysis that is not technically based is mere impressionism.”
Stephen Elder
Head of English Faculty
By knowing your child well academically as well as pastorally we can support and recognise their progress on an individual level.
Tony Emmerson
Senior Deputy Head, Deputy Safeguarding Lead, Teacher of Chemistry
Martina Filipovičová
Attendance Officer
John Fleck
Director of Information Systems
James Foster
Head of Modern Foreign Languages, Spanish & German
David Gwilt
Teacher of English
Marie Gwiltová
Teacher of Czech
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum sed volutpat ligula, at convallis mauris. Vivamus vitae posuere orci. Aliquam viverra ac lacus sed condimentum.
Gina Hearn OBE
Director of External Relations & Clerk to the Governors
At the English College we do our best to ensure that students are given the information and advice that they need to apply to the top universities throughout the world. In addition, we organize yearly work experience programme with top companies in both Prague and London.
Pastoral care is central to our work at ECP - everything depends on it. In Ventus we try to make sure that the pastoral needs of all our students are met, and that we take an active, light-hearted but serious approach to all the house competitions and activities.
Nicolas Hill,
Director of Upper School; History
Eric Huang
Teacher of Mathematics and Computer Science
Studying the IB Diploma Programme at the English College teaches students to be independent lifelong learners. It also fosters critical thinking and international mindedness. All of these are valuable attributes for the 21st century workplace.
Stephen Hudson
Director of the IB Diploma Programme, Head of Philosophy & Exams Officer
My philosophy to learning and teaching lies within that of the International Baccalaureate’s mission statement: creating independent, critically reflective, life long, 21st century learners.
Daniel Ibbitson
Teaching & Learning Manager; Head of Computer Sciences
Matthew Jarvis
Teacher of Mathematics
Libor Jícha
Stanislava Jirešová
“The scientist is not a person who gives the right answers, he's one who asks the right questions.” - Claude Levi-Strauss
Jean Kerr
Biology; Science
Jan Klaus
Teacher of PE & Sports, The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award
Monika Kopová
Accounts Coordinator
Sára Kuzemková
Morning Receptionist
Jacob Loof
Head of Music
The Arts in all their forms serve a vital role both for the good of the individual and also for society: “Art asks us to think differently, see differently, hear differently, and ultimately to act differently, which is why art has moral force.” (Jeanette Winterson).
Katy MacLeod
Head of Arts Faculty
Markéta Mašovská
School Office Manager, Marketing Support, Teacher of Czech Humanities & Tutor
Kilian McGrath
Head of Biology; Science
Marco McKee
Teacher of English
Catherine Morgan
Head of Drama
Gemma Morrison
Biology teacher
Daniela Ogden
Teacher of Czech and French
Christopher Ott
English and Psychology
Mark Paterson
Teacher of Environmental Systems and Societies & Geography
Barbora Pávková
Teacher of Russian
Dana Peerless
Teacher of Czech
Wittgenstein said: ‘The limits of my language are the limits of my world.’ ECP’s MFL department seeks to push beyond those limits, thereby creating better communication between people.
Gareth Pugh
Head of German
The beauty of mathematics only shows itself to more patient followers. - Maryam Mirzakhani
Terra students aren’t ‘Born to Follow’ (Bon Jovi), but are independent, creative, empathic and are ready with the skills, desire and drive to change things for themselves and in the wider community and world for the better.
Helen Sartain
Senior Tutor - Terra, Head of PSME, Teacher of Mathematics
Jade Slee
Teacher Librarian and Teacher of English
Irena Smetánková
PA to Deputy Head Pastoral Manager of Czech Ed. Matters
Eva Smith
PA to Deputy Heads, Tutor & Czech Universities (Student Support)
Anna Štrosová
HR Manager
"Let the main object... to seek and to find a method of instruction, by which teachers may teach less, but learners learn more." (Jan Amos Comenius)
Dr. Josef Švéda
Head of Czech Faculty
In our school students do not only receive a high-quality education but they also explore because experience is the best teacher. The :more programme offers many opportunities for discovery and adventure - the adventure of learning more about life and thus enjoying life more.
Alena Švejdová, Deputy Head (Co-Curriculum)
Deputy Head Co-Curriculum, Teacher of Czech & Czech Humanities
Lenka Svobodová
Francesco Tognini
Head of Mathematics
Alena Turneberová
Assistant Librarian
Dr Gaëlle Vassogne
Head of History
Alison Vella
Head of Business Studies & Teacher of Geography
Ignis is the god of fire, known for his young and light-hearted nature. He is joyful and loves to play but also has a warriorlike side. Among the gods he is a strong fighter and those who follow him never falter in battle for they have the fiery god at their side.
David Wyllyams
Senior Tutor - Ignis, Head of Economics
Dr. Diana Young
Teacher of History & TOK
The ECP School Council
The ECP School Council is a Czech legal body, established in 2006. It exists to support and advise on the development and welfare of the ECP and its students, but has no administrative, managerial or governance role. It usually meets twice a year, in October and May.
What does the School Council do?
● considers and approves the ECP’s Annual Report
● considers an annual report from the Bursar on the College budget
● considers public examination results at IGCSE & IB
● considers admissions policy & procedures
● supports and advises on development & welfare of the ECP
● considers strategic objectives
● considers policies & procedures including the ŠVP
● approves the School Code
● considers inspection reports of the Czech School Inspectorate
There are twelve members, elected for a three year, renewable term, provided they are still eligible. All members must be over 18 years.
Four members are appointed by the Headmaster – currently Chairman Dr Barbara Day (ECP Governor), student Tomáš Jokl and parents Monika Čajko Eibicht and Gavin Flook. There are four teacher representatives – currently Caroline Baxter, Glenn Bleaks, David Gwilt and Nicholas Hill. There are also four student representatives, who are nominated and elected by students over 18 and the parents of students under 18. They are Jana Hrstková and Adriana Trzaskalikova (parents of students under 18) and Amélie Nourse and Radim Sirůčka (students over 18).